Various events associated with a hockey game require a report to be filed with the proper authorities. Reports are divided into two categories, Game Reports and Incident Reports. Please review the key points below and then answer the questions to determine if you should file a Game Report or an Incident Report for your event.
Before you file your report, review these key points:
- ALL Game and Incident Reports must be filed within 24 hours of the precipitating event.
- You should obtain a copy of the scoresheet, ensuring all information is accurately transcribed into your report.
- Your report must contain only factual information (do not express your opinion). Examples of factual statements:
- "#6 blue body checked #17 white directly from behind causing #17 white to contact the boards head first."
- "A pane of glass shattered and the rink did not have a replacement available. Therefore the game could not continue and was suspended."
- Please write your report in a word processing document, run a spelling/grammar check, and then re-read your report for clarity. Poorly constructed reports detract from an official's credibility. When you have checked and double checked your report, copy and paste your report into the system.
- Assistance in completing game reports can be obtained from your WHOA Region Director.
To determine the type of report to file, please answer the questions below and follow subsequent instructions in the order in which they appear:
- Is the report you are about to file related to a player suffering a concussion? If "YES" see step 3. If "YES" and a Major plus Game Misconduct penalty or Match penalty was assessed, you must complete a Game Report (see step #2) and Incident Report (see step #3). If "NO" proceed to step 2.
- Did you assess a game misconduct penalty or a match penalty? If you answered this question "NO" please proceed to Step 3. If you answered this question "YES", click Game Report and follow the instructions on the Game Reporting website. NOTE: You will need your username and password for your USA Hockey Profile to access the game reporting system.
- Is your event noteworthy (e.g. player suffered a concussion, a piece of broken glass causes suspension of a game, parents or spectators exhibited behavior requiring your intervention, etc.)? If the answer to this question is "YES", click Incident Report and follow the instructions on the Incident Reporting website.